Professional Development Program – Business Analytics Workshop Using R on January 04, 2024
KCT Business School conducted a Business Analytics Workshop using R on January 4, 2024. It was a student professional development program. 51 students actively attended the program from various other institutes and embarked on their analytics journey by deep diving into the realms of R programming.
The primary focus of the workshop was to provide participants with a detailed view of data analytics using R, its importance in the modern world, and the application of R programming in business analytics. The workshop began with a comprehensive introduction to data, emphasizing its role as a valuable asset in the contemporary landscape. Participants gained insights into the various forms of data and its significance in decision-making processes. Dr Vivekraj SN, Assistant Professor, KCT BS an expert in Data Science and Analytics, was the resource person. The session was an impactful learning session for the participants. Dr Thamarai Selvi P, Associate Professor, KCT. BS along with student volunteers organized the program.