Dr. ES. Suraj
Associate Professor
Dr. Suraj. E. S Completed his Ph.D. from Pondicherry University in finance on Refining equity valuation models and developing an integrated model using artificial neural network approach. He published 5 Books with ISBN and 50 Research papers in Scopus Indexed journals, ABDC Journals, UGC indexed and other peer reviewed journals. He is working as PhD Research Guide of KUFOS (Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Science) and Guiding Ph.D. research scholars in Finance area. He presented 25 papers in the national and international conference and received 3 best paper awards also. He worked as Depot Manager in Kerala Ayurveda Pharmacy Limited for 4 years dealt with inventory management, receivables management etc. He is presently working as consultant to investors in stock market and crypto currency market and also be in collaboration with stock brokers association, Kochi as part of portfolio management services.
He handles sessions to employees of Manappuram bank on Investment management, International finance etc. He has 22 years teaching experience with different B schools which includes Institute of Management and Technology, Union Christian college, Christ University, SNGIST, Naipunnya Business school etc. He also handles sessions to Kudumbasree entrepreneurs on feasibility of projects. Now his research focus on developing a valuation model for sectorial stocks in Indian stock market using sentimental and Fundamental analysis through Vader Algorithm. He teaches subjects such as Security analysis and portfolio management, International finance, Accounting for managers, Mutual fund etc. He is also member of Research development association, Jaipur & International Society for Research and Development(ISRD).
- International Finance, IIP Publication, ISBN, 978-1685763664, 2022, Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/dp/1685763669?ref=myi_title_dp
- Financial Management, Problems and Solutions, ISBN 978-9395632423, Iterative International Publisher IIP, Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/dp/9395632429?ref=myi_title_dp
- Principles of management and Accounting, Chess educational publishers, ISBN9788193167052.
- Functional applications of management, Chess educational publishers, ISBN 9788193167045.
- Business Ethics, Chess educational Publishers, ISBN 9788385666179
Valuation Modelling, International Finance, Portfolio Management, Financial and Security Analysis
Ph.D. research guide of KUFOS (Kerala university of fisheries and ocean science) guiding PhD research scholars in the area of Contrarian Investment strategies for sectorial stocks, Sentimental analysis & valuation modelling, Macro economic variables & accounting numbers influence on value of stocks etc.
- Indian Rupee on the Back-Foot Against the British Pound (2020), World Economics, Vol. 21 ,No. 2 April–June 2020,Pg No 351-364.
- Impact of money laundering activities on Indian Economy (2022), Empirical economic letters. Vol 21. No.2, June 2022, Pg. No. 78-87 (C category as per ABDC list)
- Transparency in real estate sector in India – A study” (2022), Empirical economic letters. Vol 21. No.2, June 2022, Pg. No. 92-100 (C category as per ABDC list)
- Does Calendar anomalies formed in Indian stock market (2023),, Empirical economic letters. Vol 21. No.3, June 2022, Pg. No. 92-100 (C category as per ABDC list).
- Does crypto market dance, volatile and addicted to the youth – An empirical analysis using market survey approach – NeuroQuantology | November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 17 | Page 90-95 | Doi: 10.14704/Nq.2022.20.17.Nq8801
- Repo rate cut on Indian stock market, Forex market and crypto market- An empirical Analysis- Central European management journal , Vol 30,Issue 3 (November 2022) ISSN:2336-2693 | E-ISSN:2336-4890, 23111-2320
- Crude oil price fluctuations on sectoral stock indices in Indian stock market – An empirical analysis- Neuro Quantology |September 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 9 | Page 5295-5299 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.9.NQ44614
- Covid 19 and the health care sector in Digital India- A case study of the top six nifty pharma companies, (2022) International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) DOI:10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.960, ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 05 , 7595- 7604.
- Understanding and evaluating peer effect on financial decision making process – Mr. Anil Kumar, Suraj.E.S (2022), Journal of positive school psychology , Vol 6. No. 5, Page no 311-316
- CSR and performance of Listed companies in Kerala- An empirical Analysis, (2022) International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S7), 2918–2927. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS7.12301
- Does Covid have horizontal upset on Indian economy now?- An empirical analysis, (2022) Specialusis Ugdymas / Special education, 2 (43), 491-500.
- IoT in Monitoring and Improving Manufacturing Process in Manufacturing Industry, IEEE Scopus Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2022) DVD Part Number: CFP22F70-DVD; ISBN:978-1-6654-0836-3
- The Upshot Of Covid -19 On Sensex & Sectoral Indices In Indian Stock Market – A Comparative Analysis During Pre Covid & Covid Period (2021), Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.8,Page no- 2081-2089
- Refining Equity valuation models and developing an Integrated Model for Indian Bank stocks using ANN, International Journal of Management (2020), Volume 11, Issue 3, ISSN 0976-6502, Page no- 501-510
- Is CAPM Still alive for Sensex stocks in Indian Stock Market- An Empirical Analysis- International Journal of Management, Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2020,ISSN Print: 0976-6502, ISSN Online: 0976-6510, Page no- 256-266
- Does Valuation Models Work well for Sensex stocks in Indian Stock Market? – An Empirical Analysis, TEST Engineering and Management, March-April 2020,ISSN: 0193-4120, Page No. 18360 – 18368
- Revising and Refining Equity Valuation Models for Sensex Stocks in Indian Stock Market –An Empirical Analysis using Machine Learning Approach, Psychology and education (2020) 57(9): 4881-4894 ISSN: 00333077.
- An Insight into The Determinants on the Valuation Accuracy for Bank Stocks in Indian Stock Market-An Empirical Analysis, Psychology and education, (2020) 57(9): 1635-1640 ISSN: 00333077.
- Does Macro-Economic Variables have a Horizontal Effect on Sectoral Indices in the Indian Stock Market? (2022) International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 8, August-2022, , Available online at: www.ijaresm.com
- Euro Vs Dollar- Impact of Macro-Economic Variables on Currency Movement, Studies in Indian Place Names, ISSN: 2394-3114, Vol-40-Issue-3-February-2020.
- Value relevance of accounting Figures in stock market, Mr Anil Kumar. M and (2022) Journal of Management and Innovative Information Technology, ISSN 2395-4981, Volume 8, Issue 1.
- Impact of Weather on Agriculture Commodity Market and the Price Discovery: An Empirical Analysis” Millenium journal of humanities and social science, 2(1): (2021), ISSN: 2708-8022 (ONLINE) 2708-8014 (PRINT)- Web of science
- An Insight into the determinants on the currency volatility in the developed vs developing countries- An empirical analysis, (2020), The Indian Journal of Economics, Department of economics and commerce, University of Allahabad, No.400, Vol c1, PP 129-150
- Is the Inflation theory & balance of payment theory dead in Europe? international journal of research culture society, ISSN: 2456-6683, Volume – 4, Issue – 2, Feb – 2020, (UGC Indexed)
- An Algorithm for detection of Tala in Carnatic Music for Music Therapy Applications, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 09 Issue 5, May 2019, Page 416-426.
- Picking the Stocks from Indian Stock Market During Corona Crisis- A Long Term Investment Approach Using Common Sense and Technology, Studies in Indian Place Names, (UGC indexed Journal), ISSN: 2394-3114, Vol-40-Issue-71-March -2020, Pg No:1781-1788
- Why Does the Indian Rupee Depreciate with Respect to Bahrain Dinar and Japanese Yen? An Insight into the Forex Market, Dr.Suraj.E.S, Vidisha Agarwal ,Nitha. K. P, Focus Journal of International business, Vol. 7 (1), Jan-Jun 2020, pp. 88- 101, DOI: 10.17492/focus. v7i1.195699,Pg 88- 101.
- Reliability of Dividend Discount Model in valuation of Bank stocks at the Bombay Stock exchange, IJRCMInternational journal of research in commerce and management. ISSN 0976-2183, Volume 5, Pg. no: 39-45, March-2014 (Impact factor between 1 to 2)
- Is beta Dead – An empirical Analysis on select Bank stocks in India- Carmel Journal of Management research, ISSN no: 2320-1088, Volume 2, Pg. no: 1-9, January 2014
- A study on the relative valuation accuracies for bank stocks in Indian Stock Market- IJMFSMR- International journal of Marketing, Financial service and Management Research- ISSN 2277 -3622, Volume 3, Pg. no: 68-77, March 2014
- Comparing Stock valuation models for Indian Bank stocks- International Journal of Accounting and Taxation. ISSN No – 2372-4978 (Print), 2372-4986 (Online), Volume 2, pp. 111-127, June 2014, Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development Journal
- On the determinants of bank stock prices in India” Journal of accounting and finance, ISSN 0970- 9029, Volume 28, pp. 22- 30, April 2014- September 2014.
- Accuracy of Valuation Models for Bank stocks in India- An Empirical Analysis” International journal of social sciences & Inter disciplinary research – ISSN 2277-677X, Volume 4, pp 24-32, June 2014.
- Refining price to book value model for valuing Indian bank stocks- An Artificial neural network approach” –Journal of accounting and finance- ISSN 0970-9029, Volume 29, pp 24-32, September 2015
- Bye Bye to Beta- An empirical study on the selected Public Sector Bank Stocks in India- Erudition, Albertian Journal of Management, ISSN 0973- 7839, Volume 5, pp 30-36. June 2011
- A Study on value Investing Approach for Public sector bank stocks in India- IJRMBSS. Indian journal of research in management business and social science, ISSN: 2321-9874, Volume 2, pp 64-69, June. 2014.
- Refining Price to Earnings Model for valuing bank stocks- An Artificial neural network approach- Journal of Banking, Information Technology and Management. ISSN 0972-902X, Volume 2, pp 64-69, December 2015.
- Refining Ohlson Model for valuing Bank Stocks- An Artificial Neural Network Approach-. Independent business review. ISSN 1996-3572, Volume 7, pp32-49, July 2014.
- An artificial neural network approach using back propagation algorithm for prediction of bank stock prices in Indian Stock Market” ISBN 987- 81-930507-05, Christ College
- Does the bank stocks dance to the tune of FII Erudition, Albertian Journal of Management Journal- ISSN no: 0973- 7839, Volume 5, Pg. no 76-87, and July2012.
- Value relevance of Earnings and book value for Bank stocks – An empirical analysis using Ohlson Valuation Model, Global Journal of Management and research, ISSN No: 2278-0955, volume 4, Pg. No: 10- 22, July 2013.