Guest Lecture
COILs and Co-Teaching: Innovative Approaches to Internationalization by Prof. Hubertus Weyer, Wiesbaden Business School / Hochschule RheinMain, Germany on August 14, 2024.
Dr. Shalini Prieya, Assistant Professor, KCT – BS organised an International Guest Lecture on the topic COILs and Co-Teaching: Innovative Approaches to Internationalization. Faculty members from KCT – BS, Prof Mark Jacob, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, and faculty members from Wiesbaden Business School, Germany participated in the guest lecture session. The online session started with a brief welcome note and introduction about the theme. Prof. Kishore Kumar, International Relations briefed about KCT in Global collaborations. Prof. Hubertus Weyer from Wiesbaden Business School, Germany, enlightened his presentation on how Collaborative Online International Learning and Co-Teaching can foster innovative approaches to internationalisation. The lecture emphasized how current concepts of higher education do not confront the pressing challenges of our societies due to the increased use of digitalisation in the VUCA world. He discussed about how collaborative project-based learning among students and instructors could foster knowledge sharing and develop future skills. Inter-cultural collaborations come with their own set of challenges, making it essential to adopt strategic and innovative approaches for both educators and students to fully engage in international learning experiences. Prof. Shalini briefed the journey of Circular Economy and SDG initiative projects of KCT – BS. A dedicated Q&A session highlighted the credit transfer for project-based learning was answered by Prof Mark Jacob. The session ended with the next steps on COIL projects between KCT – BS and Wiesbaden Business School, Germany.